We are a Swiss family business that enjoys the mountains, animals, high-quality products and traditions. Alpine farming is close to our hearts.
We seize opportunities and dare to try new things.
We rely on reliability, openness and mutual trust.
Our history
We are Monalp AG. we love cheese
we love the Alps and the mountains, we love
Switzerland and we love good taste
and enjoyment.
We offer an original solution for not
processed milk and set us for
sustainability of alpine farming and agriculture:
We support them with our mobile cheese dairy
farms in it, high quality
Manufacturing alpine products – directly on site.
We promote regional, seasonal and ecological
produced food.
I'm one of those people.
My name is Lloyd Zumstein. Co-Founder &
Cheese Executive Officer.
Your direct contact person for questions and
Suggestions – call me or write me one
Telephone: +41 78 813 00 10 / email address: